Saturday, July 3, 2010


It's been nearly two weeks since I last updated the blog. I was afraid of this. One more thing to do...

Anyway, here's the update. I braved the scale on Wednesday and found that I was down 11 pounds since starting this adventure. That is altogether thrilling and overwhelming. Now to keep it off and keep losing weight. I'd like to drop another 35-ish pounds but that's not entirely why I'm doing this raw food challenge.

I would say, in looking back, that I've been able to stay raw about 50% of the time. A HUGE improvement over my previous eating habits, but not quite the 70% I'm shooting for. Still, it's a good start and as I'm beginning to harvest an occasional veggie from the garden, I'm seeing more and more opportunity to increase the raw intake. For instance, I ate a whole cucumber this morning at breakfast. Not because I was thinking, "I should eat this," but because it was SO good! I took one little nibble and I just couldn't help myself! I ended up eating the whole thing! I didn't even know that cucumbers COULD taste SO good! Heck, I didn't even know cucumbers had a TASTE, for crying out loud! Homegrown veggies ROCK!

For lunch, I ate a lovely raw salad with organic romaine lettuce, red bell pepper, green onion, avocado, a sprinkling of raw smokey cheddar cheese (from a local dairy), raw almond slivers and a homemade, raw dressing. It was DIVINE! So yummy...and filling. Tonight, I'm happy to report, I'll be making a non-raw meal made with whole (and recognizable) ingredients - CURRY! I simply cannot wait!

I did well when I was out of town last week. My hostess was gracious and did her best to keep me as raw as possible. She did do two evil things...she introduced me to nutella (I had never had it before last's A. MAZ. ING. on strawberries) and something she likes to call "Crack Bars." The name speaks for itself. They are addictive and certainly NOT raw. *sigh*) Otherwise, it was a great travel experience when it comes to food and maintaining desired eating habits on the road. So, thanks to N for her support and help!

So, the adventure continues. I'm not on autopilot yet. It would be nice to get to that point, where I don't have to consciously think about making good choices. It will happen eventually, I think, if I keep making good choices. For right now, it's one day at a time...sometimes one meal at a time.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Bad Choices

I made some really bad food choices over the past few days. And I'm feeling it. I feel crampy, bloated, irritable, sick, lethargic and just all around *blech*.

Did I always feel this bad when I ate this way? Or does the eating raw then going back to bad food choices make it worse? Whatever it is, I hope I learn from this and start making some better choices.

Thank God for his fresh mercies every morning...tomorrow is a new day and I've got a fresh pineapple waiting for me to start the day off right!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


This is hard...It's not that the food isn't yummy. It IS. It's just that, well, I have 34 years of bad eating habits to overcome and it doesn't happen overnight.

I recently completed a Bible study about breaking free from those things that keep us in captivity. The author of the study said that when breaking free there is a progression that happens that looks something like this:

It's hard ---> It's hardest ---> It's a little easier ---> It's under my feet.

I'm hoping that it gets a little easier sooner rather than later because I'm ready for this to be under my feet!

That's about all I have to say today.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So here's the plan...

After trying to figure this thing out for the past week or so, I've decided that for practicality sake, I will lower my raw goal to 70% a day. This will allow me to eat raw all throughout the day and enjoy a nice meal with my family in the evening.

Really, I could eat fruits and veggies, salads and smoothies, energy bars (homemade) and snack mixes (nuts, seeds and dried fruit) all day. That's not the problem. I actually enjoy these foods. It's the amount of time to prepare the "gourmet" raw foods that help to add more variety into my food selections that is the problem. All the soaking, sprouting and dehydrating and the amount of coordination and organization that requires me to do this well is, at this stage of my life, prohibitive. What would be ideal is that I'd have a windfall of money - an astronomical amount - that would allow me to hire a raw food chef to prepare my entire family's meals every day. Of course, since that is not happening any time soon, I'll simply strive to eat raw 70% of the time. The evening meal I prepare will be comprised entirely of foods that I can both pronounce and recognize, but they can be cooked (basically, a cooked meal with God-made foods).

As for my half marathon training, I ran 3 miles yesterday. For now, it's all just prep work. The "real" training schedule actually begins week after next. I'm hoping that my hip heals up by then. It's really been uncomfortable since last October when I ran the 4.0 mile leg in the KC Marathon as part of a relay team - all up hill, too. After yesterday's run, it was really bugging me. I went to the chiropractor and he did an amazing adjustment that made me feel 1000% better - said my hip was rotating backwards. I'll see him again tomorrow. It's still tender and I'm icing it three times a day. I'm praying that it will be healed completely and quickly!

And on a final note, I just want to say "Thanks" to all of you who have asked me about my "Raw Food Adventure." I so appreciate it! It's helped me to stay accountable and focused. I never know when someone is going to say, "Hey, Loula! How's that raw food thing going?" and knowing that it could be at any moment helps me to smile and say "No" when I'm trying to justify that brownie batter could be considered a "raw" food...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What have I gotten myself into?

The more raw recipes I'm finding, the more I'm seeing that going raw is not just a willy nilly decision. Not that I ever thought it was, mind you. But I didn't really understand just how much work it is.

One of the books I've borrowed from the library is one called Raw Food for Real People. The recipes sound lovely. There's one called "Wild Rice Pilaf." It sounds divine...until I read that you have to soak the rice for 3 DAYS! I don't know if I'll be in the mood for wild rice pilaf in three days! This will take quite a bit of organization and preparation.

I'm also finding that it's much more expensive to eat this way. I could easily use my entire month's food budget on raw food for me. And yet, I still have to feed my husband and kids (who are not going raw with me).

Frankly, at this point, I want to give up. It seems like a big task - too big for my circumstances, really. Yet, I don't want to give up. It's not that I don't like eating the foods. What I've experienced so far has been quite scrumptious. I want to see what happens as I add more raw to my diet in regard to my health. I mean, it certainly doesn't hurt to add more God-made foods into my diet. However, the time and financial requirements are of concern to me. We'll have to see what is the best course of action for me to add as much raw food into my diet without being impractical.

Stay tuned...more to come!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What a difference a day makes

Yesterday morning, after two days of raw, I wanted to get on here and write about how great I felt already - no bloating, I actually felt lighter, my energy levels were up. I thought, Wow - if I'm already feeling this much better after just two days...imagine how I'll feel after a week, a month, a hundred days?

But, then yesterday got rolling and things changed. I knew that I wouldn't be eating 100% - or even my goal of 90% raw - yesterday. I knew I'd eat out with my husband as we celebrated our anniversary. I did my best to make good choices - well, better choices that I normally would. And I did. But by the middle of the afternoon, I felt like a slug again. And this morning, not the vibrant bundle of energy I had yesterday.

I didn't completely blow it. I do have some little victories to celebrate: when we stopped to get drinks at Sonic, instead of ordering my usual "large Diet Dr. Pepper with vanilla and very little ice," I ordered a Route 44 Water. Perfect and Refreshing. Even though we were handed ginourmous cookies when leaving the restaurant at lunch, I didn't eat it. In fact, yesterday was the third day in a row with no refined sugar or any kind. And looking back over the day, I'd say my total "rawness" was about 30%. Not my goal of 50% but still better than what I would have done in the past, which would have been to say, "It's my anniversary, I can celebrate! I can let loose! I can eat whatever I want!"

The problem with that mindset is this: I end up making every day something to celebrate. "It's Flag Day! It's Kiss a Pig Day! My son didn't have any cavities! My pinky toe didn't get stubbed today!" It can get quite ridiculous, actually.

There are a couple of realizations that I had yesterday too. I stood in the Barnes and Noble looking at the magazines, hoping to find one about raw food. I only one I found that came anything close to it was one called VegTimes...a vegetarian magazine. I didn't buy it because it seemed so...I don't know...self-righteous? Flipping through a number of books on raw eating I felt the same way. "Eat this way because it makes you a better person." It's almost off-putting, quite frankly. I want to eat this way because it's a challenge, I know it's a refreshing and healthy change, and it will be a great learning experience. I don't necessarily think it's making me a better person, though. I suppose those that care enough to make a magazine about vegetarian living are passionate about it. Just like I'm passionate about my Savior, my hubby, my kids or birth. I suppose anyone who's ever heard me talking about any of these topics might come away with the impression that I'm over-the-top about any of those things, too.

The other thing that I have come to realize in doing my research is that eating raw takes some serious preparation and time. Soak this for 24 hours, dehydrate for 12. That means for some recipes, I need to know 36 hours in advance before I want to start preparing a recipe that calls for such pre-work. I don't know if I'll be able to sustain that. I'm much more accustomed to the "here are six meals we can make this week" kind of planning. Depending on what the day brings us, we can pick from one of those meals. Some take longer to prepare than others, but none really take longer than an hour start to finish. I'm going to have to be much more diligent about meal planning and preparation. That will also be a big challenge for me. If any of you know of any short cuts, good recipe books, etc., please share!

And finally, I realized, while perusing the magazines, that I like cooked food. I like cooking food. I like eating cooked food. And when this personal challenge of mine is over, I'm sure I'll include more cooked foods in my regular eating. I foresee myself being about 70% raw when all is said and done after the 100 days are over.

All that being said, I'm committed to the next 97 days of being as raw as possible. And for now, I must go pick up my new food processor.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Recap from Day Two

Ok, I'm starving right now. Probably because I've stayed up too late. Darn HOA treasurer duties! (shakes fist) I'm going to have to munch on some strawberries before yummy and juicy!

I actually got a lot accomplished today. Made granola this morning, picked up the dehydrator that I found for $8 on craigslist, found an 11-cup food processor (barely used) for $75 (will pick it up on Thursday) and did a little grocery shopping...

In the dehydrator right now: kiwi and papaya dipped in a raw honey glaze (equal parts raw honey and water with a dash of cinnamon). Before I hit the sack, I'll rotate the trays...Here's hoping for a great morning treat!

For dinner I made the kids grilled cheese. They smelled heavenly. I decided to make some guacamole - one of my most favorite things to make and eat! And really, I make a mean guacamole. I mean, I've got some serious guacamole skills! I had one perfect little avocado - not too soft, not too firm - ready to enjoy it's guaco-destiny. I diced the onion. I harvested the lone jalepeno and some fresh cilantro from patio garden. I minced garlic. I was just about ready to mash it all up when I realized: I had no lime. "Oh well," I thought. "It will have to do." Then I went to add the salt, got distracted with one of the little ones and added WAY too much. I tried to salvage it, but, alas, could not. *sigh* I ate it anyway.

Can I just say, guacamole sans lime and with too much salt is, well, sub-prime?

No worries, though. I actually bought five more avocados tonight. We'll try again later this week!

I've wanted to just go off the raw and eat so many different things today - pop a veggie straw in my mouth, enjoy a Newman-O with the kiddies, take a nibble of the grilled cheese sandwich. I kept thinking, though, that I've got to learn to splurge on special occasions and not every day. It just so happens tomorrow is a special occasion. I'm going to spend the day with DH as we celebrate our anniversary. Just the two of us. I probably will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 50% raw tomorrow and that's okay. But thinking that I'll get to be a little more relaxed tomorrow helped me to stay focused and on target today. It's going to be interesting staying on task when "special occasions" come up or even special circumstances. I'll be doing a lot of traveling this summer - going out of town for work, pleasure, family time, etc. How will I manage those times? I'm not sure. I'm hoping I'll have enough of a momentum built up by the time my next business trip rolls around (in just two weeks) that it will be fairly easy to stay on target.

Right now, though, my goal is to enjoy these strawberries and focus on not going overboard tomorrow.